Almost finished an afghan I've been working on for three years. It WILL be finished in Oct.
Finally hung something on the walls in our place. Even if it is only in the dining room. And only three things. Have to start somewhere.
Photographed a wedding for the first time. My friend was the real photographer but she asked me if I would help. Wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be. Of course, the bride was the most laid back bride ever. Which was wonderful.
Camped on the pigeon river again. Always nice
Stayed in St. Johns, MI with our neighbors at their parents house. Ate doughnuts and drank cider. Remembered how much I miss going to a cider mill in the fall.
Had my biggest (to date) conflict at work. Not fun at all.
Cried myself to sleep over losing a relationship with someone I love. Have felt this one coming for awhile but didn't expect it to happen yet. Am still processing the conversation, trying to make sense of it. Hoping I took things out of context but knowing that I didn't.
got a haircut. Instant good mood. I love my stylist. It's great to talk to her, and have her make me look good for a day. She asked me: "What am I doing for you today?" I said: "Tammy, I don't know the first thing about hair; just make me look less tired." She said: "okay" and got to work.
Cleaned up dog vomit.
Cleaned up cat vomit.
Wondered why I have pets.
Got a new pair of glasses. And then felt immediately guilty for getting yet another pair of glasses.
Worked as a cart girl for a local golf club as a "fun second job". Made more in tips than I make at my "not fun first job".
A Letter from the (national) Lakeshore
A letter from a National Forest Service employee who is neck deep in the
horrors being perpetrated against the National Park Service and the
National Fores...
2 days ago