Friday, February 5, 2010

Chase visits Michigan

I'd like to get better at writing here. It's a good outlet for me; something about seeing your words in front of you that makes me think more clearly than otherwise. And facebook and twitter just don't quite fulfill me in that way like blogger does. As much as I enjoy them, I end up feeling like I'm not modern enough for the witty one-liners.

My brother was recently up here for a visit. His children were so excited to play in the snow. When my southern family (georgia and texas) talk about snow in foreign terms I always wonder what it feels like to them. To me it feels like home. And I probably take it for granted. It really is beautiful.

One of the most fun things was sitting around my mom's kitchen table telling stories of when we were all growing up together. And then my brother-in-law Tim started telling stories and that took the cake. He's a great story teller. A quality that I love in people. I haven't laughed as hard as that in a long while.

I'll try to upload a video clip of Tim telling us about how his son's first job was gardening his neighbor's pot plants. Yeah, you read that right. First just a couple other videos.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kratky Girls Photo Shoot

This was so fun. I really love doing this. Melanie, thanks for asking me to take photos of your sweet girls. And I'm sending a cd to you with many more :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back Home

Martin and I went to Texas for Christmas/New Years. It felt really good to get out of Dodge for awhile. It was nice to re-connect with our Texas family too. We took photos on a few occasions and I'm sure I'll be adding some of them here. Martin's sister Melanie asked if I would take photos of her girls, I was so honored! I love taking photos of children, it's probably my favorite thing to do and I need practice still so of course I said absolutely. Her girls are so sweet and fun. Martin and I were talking all the way home about all the cute things they did and said.