Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Nice Break

Tex playing in the back yard he wishes he had.
Martin using the remote.



Brandy with her 5 plates of food. Really, it's just all her kids left over plates.

It's time to get ready for work. And I can't seem to get myself going. I think it's classic long weekend blues. I have a friend who texts me every sunday telling me that she's so depressed that it's sunday night and on monday morning as we're headed out to our separate jobs, she sends me another one that says"here's to better jobs someday". Little things like that are dear to me.
After getting back into town yesterday, Martin and I decided we really probably should get curtains for our place. Yeah, I'm serious. Not a single one in the living, dining or kitchen until now. We now have privacy; kinda important for a place that gets dark at 4:30 this time of year. In some ways, we're still so immature. But I guess maybe we're kind of holding on to that a little. Or a lot.

Got to spend some time with my best friend. We had a good time as always. Drank a lot of coffee, ate a lot of food. Played a lot of card games. I like card games. And took some pics.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Hi, my name is Brandy. I’m Dominique’s sister. She has bravely given me permission to write on her blog. It will be a bit lengthy. But if you are a reader of her blog you will agree that the following is true, because you have your own story of how Dominique has taught you how to love.
I have often pondered your title, Learning to Love. First, I think how I need to learn to love in a more biblical way. But mostly, I think how you have been one of the greatest examples of love in my life. You have been a direct answer to my prayers, on more than one occasion. The first and greatest example happened a couple years ago. I was very discouraged in my life. I prayed that God would have somebody give me something that showed that they loved me. That sentence sounds simple, maybe even selfish, but my thoughts were very involved. I was feeling very empty and broken in spirit. I was asking God to show me that there was someone in my life who loved me deeply and that the love would be evidenced in a powerful way. (I know I have many people in my life that love me. The prayer was came from my circumstances.) Later, I think that same day, you pulled me aside to give me a gift of money. I was completely overwhelmed. It had nothing to do with the fact that it was money. But it was a very generous gift. For that I felt guilty of my prayer. I wanted you to keep it, the thought was enough. The only thing I saw was the great love in your heart. The money had been given to you as a gift, and you were giving it to me. You freely and sacrificially, and willing gave to me. I received you gift with tears in my eyes as I realized my Savior loved me by hearing my cry and answering me so quickly. And that I had a dear sister and friend that loved me deeply. I needed you gift of love more than you will ever know. I’m getting choked up even as I write this because of the depth of the meaning that was to me.
Another time God used you to speak into my life was last year. When we left Ford we left money, insurance, and extras. We now had to trust Christ completely. Since He is faithful I decided to ask only Him for the things I needed. My glasses were broken, and I was on my last pair of contacts. I prayed that God give me another pair of glasses. This was a little tough because I really hate wearing glasses. But, I knew I didn’t NEED contacts. Shortly after that you gave me Two pair of glasses, with cases, and some contacts. What an Amazing God we serve! Again, fighting the tears I received your over an abundant gift of love. I only did He give me what I needed, He used you to show great love by blessing me with what I really wanted. When you love, you love completely. I thank God for you and the ways He has used you to teach me how to love!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy 80th Grams

No my grams does not read this blog. I wasn't able to make it down for her party today so I needed some way to express my celebration of her. I've talked about my grams before. I think I'm more like her than anyone I'm related to. We love so many of the same things: tea, coffee, Van Gogh (probably our biggest "in common" love), books, music, people...I just really feel like we are soulmates in a way. I get her. When I sit down with her and listen to the way she thinks and speaks, I am so right there with her.

She shares a birthday with Mickey Mouse. She has 9 children. She is Jewish. She was divorced. She lives in the smallest apartment I've ever been in. She was a tutor (and still might be) for prisoners on parole. She works at an elementary school as a teacher's aid for the children with learning disabilities.

And she sends me a birthday card every year on my birthday.

In other {D} news:

My friend Katie Kolb left me for her husband and Pittsburgh last week. I'm going to miss her so much.

I bought a pair of pants at the goodwill today. I should probably be over this phase of my life. Speaking of good buys at goodwill; I bought six nickel finish Pottery Barn hooks for the entryway that were still in the package, never been used. I think they look great. I'll have to take a pic to show them off.

Pics: An HDR of Cloud Gate, or as it's more commonly known as "The Bean" in Chicago. It's on my flickr page as well as a couple more from the same trip. The next two photos are me revealing a little more of my domestic side (I can't do it all at once, come on, you know me better than that...) I like to cook/bake. But let me clarify and say that I only like to do it when I'm not rushed, or when I feel like it. Otherwise, it's just a chore. One photo is a blueberry cobbler that I made with wild Michigan blueberries our friends picked from a bog near here and gave to us. Martin really liked the cobbler. And the other is cappuccino crinkle cookies I baked that I liked and Martin didn't.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The President is a Puppet

That's honestly what I think. I might be wrong. I'm probably wrong. But that's continually the conclusion I come to when trying to be a good American and care about elections for presidents. I'm a cynic. I don't believe in the good of people. Not even the good of Christians. I just don't. I dis-trust everyone.

The amazing irony is that I like people. I mean, I really like people. This past weekend, I somehow remembered that my family used to tease me when I was a little girl because when spending countless summer days at the beach (The beach was free), I would meet a new person every time and they would instantly be my friend. I seriously made friends everywhere I went. I have always had a need to connect with others. I still have that need.

I think my ability to like people is somehow closely related to my dis-trust of them. Almost like because I don't expect anything from them, I'm continually surprised and thrilled with their good nature towards me. And you would think that after seeing this good nature towards me for years, that I would begin to lower guards towards them. And maybe, maybe slowly I am. I don't think I am. But I could be.

So voting. I honestly think that money runs countries, not people. But I'm going to vote, and probably even for a president. (maybe for a president.) Mostly because everyone I know would think less of me for not voting. And I'm insecure and need the people I love to like me. So, to those I love, this vote is for you. Really.

3rd Pic: From Jess at Past Tense Cider Mill; me and my nephews&niece
2nd Pic: Tex exhausted from our Harvest party
1st Pic: Tree in full Color in the UP during a "fun day" hike with work