We are having a terrible snow storm and now I am wondering (again) why we are here. It's very difficult to be content here sometimes. But Martin and I are working on not just splitting when it's no longer fun. (with location and many other things).
I'm watching the grammy's tonight. I love watching the Grammy's. Pure musical entertainment. Nothing wrong with that during a snow storm. Tina and Beynoce doing Proud Mary was just perfect.
Oh yeah, and I've been thinking about kids lately. Like, kids for me. This is a huge thought that most of the time scares me into not thinking about it anymore. So, yeah. We'll see. This video is so you will feel bad for me: (It's my back yard for crying out loud)
Holy Cow!!! That is a crazy video. I guess I really can't complain about what it is like today. At least the sun is shining on the snow and the wind isn't blowing the siding off today! And yes, the lighthouse cruise was awesome. Our tour guides talked for almost the entire 3 hour cruise about all kinds of stuff. I learned a lot of interesting stuff.
Yeah, Charles took that video. I'm sure he's got to have frost bite from it, right?...
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