Around 3ish Tex finally couldn’t keep his eyes open. On my days off he usually follows me everywhere. To the extent that if I decide to get up from the desk and refill my coffee cup, he’s going to go the 10ft there and back with me. It’s really kind of endearing until after several hours and you realize that he can block most walkways just by standing there, and that his nose is how he views the world. The nose that is perpetually wet and can reach almost to my shoulders.
So, I think I can relate (only as much as a childless woman can) to mothers who sometimes consider their children’s naps as the highlight of their day.
i love that picture of him...i know those days when they just have to be at your side every step...and they just stand there and don't move when you need to get around them.
i'm spoiled when the girls sleep until about 3!
thanks kristen. what is that about them not moving?! Do you think they are doing it on purpose? Probably. Tex does like to sleep in, that's nice. But I don't think he's ever made it to 3.
they just want you to touch them; it doesn't matter to them how they achieve it.
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