Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmastime means Christmas Parties

Kelly, Julie, and Me.
I'm kind of the designated Picture Taker. I did a bit of this.

Me and Martin. He looks great with his mustache shaved. He doesn't like it as much but does it for me. Aw.

This is the Hall. Very cozy for a very cold night. I think the high temperature that day was 18 degrees.
Had my work Christmas party. It's always a good idea to try to have a time with co-workers where you relax. And Castle Farms in Charlevoix was a great place to be. It's an old mansion that has been turned into a banquet hall type place. They had a table with bowls of candy and scoops where you could make your own little gift bag of candy. I was all over that. I made Martin go up there with me to get an extra bag. They also had a photo booth where you could go up there all night and get pictures taken. That was fun. You get more creative as the night goes on. They are going to post all the shots online. I keep checking it to see if they're up yet. So far, they haven't showed up yet but I got a kick out of looking at the other party's photos. And then I was thinking "we should've done THAT". Next time.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Culture of Cold

Mitchell Street downtown Petoskey
Martin, Cheyenne, Craig, and Josh giving their tough-guy faces. Josh just can't look mean no matter what.

Martin dragging our tree back to the car.

Danielle and I. People call us D&D. She's my neighbor and great friend. I love having such a good friend living so close. We wave at each other from our kitchen windows. It's quite fun. The other day I hung something on the wall in the kithchen and she told me it was throwing her off everytime she looked over at our place. Guess I should've warned her first. :)

So, winter is here. Technically, winter isn't until December 21st, but that means nothing up here. I'm a northerner. So, naturally there are a lot of things about the north that seem to be a part of me and that I like. I like sweaters, hot drinks, mittins, snowflakes the size of silver dollars. But at the same time, I'm kind of over it. I've done the whole 2am walks where it's almost as light as day, I've seen the northern lights several times. And I've also scraped ice off my car 25 million times, and stock-piled more lotion than any one household should have in their house on any day. Cold air = cracking skin.
I don't hate winter collectively. There will always be things about the cold season that are cozy and fun. But I've put my time in. I'd like to at some point live with sunshine and hot weather. And contrary to what people up here think, 75 degrees is not hot. It's warm, not hot.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Nice Break

Tex playing in the back yard he wishes he had.
Martin using the remote.



Brandy with her 5 plates of food. Really, it's just all her kids left over plates.

It's time to get ready for work. And I can't seem to get myself going. I think it's classic long weekend blues. I have a friend who texts me every sunday telling me that she's so depressed that it's sunday night and on monday morning as we're headed out to our separate jobs, she sends me another one that says"here's to better jobs someday". Little things like that are dear to me.
After getting back into town yesterday, Martin and I decided we really probably should get curtains for our place. Yeah, I'm serious. Not a single one in the living, dining or kitchen until now. We now have privacy; kinda important for a place that gets dark at 4:30 this time of year. In some ways, we're still so immature. But I guess maybe we're kind of holding on to that a little. Or a lot.

Got to spend some time with my best friend. We had a good time as always. Drank a lot of coffee, ate a lot of food. Played a lot of card games. I like card games. And took some pics.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Hi, my name is Brandy. I’m Dominique’s sister. She has bravely given me permission to write on her blog. It will be a bit lengthy. But if you are a reader of her blog you will agree that the following is true, because you have your own story of how Dominique has taught you how to love.
I have often pondered your title, Learning to Love. First, I think how I need to learn to love in a more biblical way. But mostly, I think how you have been one of the greatest examples of love in my life. You have been a direct answer to my prayers, on more than one occasion. The first and greatest example happened a couple years ago. I was very discouraged in my life. I prayed that God would have somebody give me something that showed that they loved me. That sentence sounds simple, maybe even selfish, but my thoughts were very involved. I was feeling very empty and broken in spirit. I was asking God to show me that there was someone in my life who loved me deeply and that the love would be evidenced in a powerful way. (I know I have many people in my life that love me. The prayer was came from my circumstances.) Later, I think that same day, you pulled me aside to give me a gift of money. I was completely overwhelmed. It had nothing to do with the fact that it was money. But it was a very generous gift. For that I felt guilty of my prayer. I wanted you to keep it, the thought was enough. The only thing I saw was the great love in your heart. The money had been given to you as a gift, and you were giving it to me. You freely and sacrificially, and willing gave to me. I received you gift with tears in my eyes as I realized my Savior loved me by hearing my cry and answering me so quickly. And that I had a dear sister and friend that loved me deeply. I needed you gift of love more than you will ever know. I’m getting choked up even as I write this because of the depth of the meaning that was to me.
Another time God used you to speak into my life was last year. When we left Ford we left money, insurance, and extras. We now had to trust Christ completely. Since He is faithful I decided to ask only Him for the things I needed. My glasses were broken, and I was on my last pair of contacts. I prayed that God give me another pair of glasses. This was a little tough because I really hate wearing glasses. But, I knew I didn’t NEED contacts. Shortly after that you gave me Two pair of glasses, with cases, and some contacts. What an Amazing God we serve! Again, fighting the tears I received your over an abundant gift of love. I only did He give me what I needed, He used you to show great love by blessing me with what I really wanted. When you love, you love completely. I thank God for you and the ways He has used you to teach me how to love!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy 80th Grams

No my grams does not read this blog. I wasn't able to make it down for her party today so I needed some way to express my celebration of her. I've talked about my grams before. I think I'm more like her than anyone I'm related to. We love so many of the same things: tea, coffee, Van Gogh (probably our biggest "in common" love), books, music, people...I just really feel like we are soulmates in a way. I get her. When I sit down with her and listen to the way she thinks and speaks, I am so right there with her.

She shares a birthday with Mickey Mouse. She has 9 children. She is Jewish. She was divorced. She lives in the smallest apartment I've ever been in. She was a tutor (and still might be) for prisoners on parole. She works at an elementary school as a teacher's aid for the children with learning disabilities.

And she sends me a birthday card every year on my birthday.

In other {D} news:

My friend Katie Kolb left me for her husband and Pittsburgh last week. I'm going to miss her so much.

I bought a pair of pants at the goodwill today. I should probably be over this phase of my life. Speaking of good buys at goodwill; I bought six nickel finish Pottery Barn hooks for the entryway that were still in the package, never been used. I think they look great. I'll have to take a pic to show them off.

Pics: An HDR of Cloud Gate, or as it's more commonly known as "The Bean" in Chicago. It's on my flickr page as well as a couple more from the same trip. The next two photos are me revealing a little more of my domestic side (I can't do it all at once, come on, you know me better than that...) I like to cook/bake. But let me clarify and say that I only like to do it when I'm not rushed, or when I feel like it. Otherwise, it's just a chore. One photo is a blueberry cobbler that I made with wild Michigan blueberries our friends picked from a bog near here and gave to us. Martin really liked the cobbler. And the other is cappuccino crinkle cookies I baked that I liked and Martin didn't.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The President is a Puppet

That's honestly what I think. I might be wrong. I'm probably wrong. But that's continually the conclusion I come to when trying to be a good American and care about elections for presidents. I'm a cynic. I don't believe in the good of people. Not even the good of Christians. I just don't. I dis-trust everyone.

The amazing irony is that I like people. I mean, I really like people. This past weekend, I somehow remembered that my family used to tease me when I was a little girl because when spending countless summer days at the beach (The beach was free), I would meet a new person every time and they would instantly be my friend. I seriously made friends everywhere I went. I have always had a need to connect with others. I still have that need.

I think my ability to like people is somehow closely related to my dis-trust of them. Almost like because I don't expect anything from them, I'm continually surprised and thrilled with their good nature towards me. And you would think that after seeing this good nature towards me for years, that I would begin to lower guards towards them. And maybe, maybe slowly I am. I don't think I am. But I could be.

So voting. I honestly think that money runs countries, not people. But I'm going to vote, and probably even for a president. (maybe for a president.) Mostly because everyone I know would think less of me for not voting. And I'm insecure and need the people I love to like me. So, to those I love, this vote is for you. Really.

3rd Pic: From Jess at Past Tense Cider Mill; me and my nephews&niece
2nd Pic: Tex exhausted from our Harvest party
1st Pic: Tree in full Color in the UP during a "fun day" hike with work

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


There it is. Probably the longest I've ever taken to finish a blanket. It's much larger than I thought it would be. It's also extremely warm. I would be working on it and have to stop because I'd start sweating from it being on me. So it should be perfect for those -10 degree days this winter. (oh how I wish I were joking that we actually have temps that low in the winter) Oh, and that's my chaise from Crate&Barrel. I know I haven't yet posted pics of the furniture. I will.

Had a great time traveling downstate this past weekend to see family and Jess. Took some great photos and accidentally deleted all of them. Yeah. But Jess is normal (at least more than me) and managed to save all of her photos. Maybe she'll let me have some copies. And I got some really cute ones of the kids at the cider mill. ugh, I'm so frustrated.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Blanket is Done

I told you I would finish it this month. And I'm pleased with how it turned out. There is one square that is missing a row of color and it totally upset me when I figured it out after I had already sewn it into the blanket. I have no idea how I didn't catch it before then. But I didn't. And so now it's sealed into the blanket forever as a reminder that I'm never quite as good as I want to be at things. *sigh*

Martin's parents came up for a fall visit. As always, it was great to spend time with them. And as always, they treat us to way too much. But I'm not going to lie, we love it.

We took a day trip to the upper peninsula. We went out on a boat tour of the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. BEAUTIFUL. Really, I had no idea. There are pictures on my flickr site (and there will be several more to follow in the next week or so--I kinda overdid it on the photos). I enjoy the feeling I get when I'm on the great lakes. You feel so incredibly small. Like you're completely insignificant out there on the water. I don't know why I like that feeling in certain situations. I think it's because we all want to be reminded that there is a whole world out there bigger than us. It somehow gives me a reminder that I should keep my problems in check. Not to let them seem bigger than they are. There's a lot more here on this feeling but I'm not going to explain right now.

This weekend, Martin is going to a MSU football game with several friends. Apparantly, they have amazing tickets and get to stay somewhere free and get to go to a tailgate party empty-handed. Needless to say, he's pretty excited about it. To add to the excitement, MSU is having a great season this year.

I'll be going down to visit my fam. and best friend. Tex will be going with me and he'll be oh-so-thrilled to be able to run around 20 acres with Duke and Daley. Alright, not sure how much running Duke can do these days but I'm sure he'll be watching with jealousy as the other two romp.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What I did in September

Almost finished an afghan I've been working on for three years. It WILL be finished in Oct.

Finally hung something on the walls in our place. Even if it is only in the dining room. And only three things. Have to start somewhere.

Photographed a wedding for the first time. My friend was the real photographer but she asked me if I would help. Wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be. Of course, the bride was the most laid back bride ever. Which was wonderful.

Camped on the pigeon river again. Always nice

Stayed in St. Johns, MI with our neighbors at their parents house. Ate doughnuts and drank cider. Remembered how much I miss going to a cider mill in the fall.

Had my biggest (to date) conflict at work. Not fun at all.

Cried myself to sleep over losing a relationship with someone I love. Have felt this one coming for awhile but didn't expect it to happen yet. Am still processing the conversation, trying to make sense of it. Hoping I took things out of context but knowing that I didn't.

got a haircut. Instant good mood. I love my stylist. It's great to talk to her, and have her make me look good for a day. She asked me: "What am I doing for you today?" I said: "Tammy, I don't know the first thing about hair; just make me look less tired." She said: "okay" and got to work.

Cleaned up dog vomit.

Cleaned up cat vomit.

Wondered why I have pets.

Got a new pair of glasses. And then felt immediately guilty for getting yet another pair of glasses.

Worked as a cart girl for a local golf club as a "fun second job". Made more in tips than I make at my "not fun first job".

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Inland Waterway

The rents came up this past weekend and we treated them to a birthday boat trip on the inland waterway. The smallest boat we could get had room for 6 so, we invited the Dawley's along for the ride. Charles took these videos of the locks and the swingbridge that are along the way. It was a great day for boating.

Friday, August 8, 2008

LTB Swim

For the past almost 6 months Martin has been wanting me to put this video on youtube. I finally did yesterday. Here's a narrative of what you'll be watching:

I think it was a Friday night in the early spring. Early spring in Northern Michigan means no more snow storms but still cold weather and even colder water--especially in Lake Michigan.

We were taking a walk along the water because I'm sure it was one of the first walks we could take without bundling. (Bundling=hat, mittins, scarf, heavy coat, winter shoes) And when we got to Petoskey's Marina, Matt challenged the guys to go swim in the boat launch area. Kim said without hesitating that she'd do it. Martin said that if she went in first, he would go in. Matt said that if someone went in and swam three strokes, he would do it too.

Kim went in, despite my screams for her not to.

And then Martin reluctantly went in, probably from my urging him that he had to now. Matt Frentz never made it in that night even though I'm pretty sure it was his suggestion.

The video looks like it's no big deal because they're just walking out into the boat launch and back. But seriously, this water is barely thawed at this point. FREEZING water that takes your breath away as soon as you are in it.

Oh, it's really loud because I'm yelling right into the mic. I was pretty excited about the situation I guess. So, turn the volume down a lot before you play it.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Martin’s mom has been here this past week visiting us in our new place. I shocked myself and managed to put together a decent looking guest room. It even had flowers in it. I had to pat myself on the back for that because rarely do I pull things together so well without much planning. And we had just gotten our furniture the Wednesday before, so it actually resembled a place of residence here. Resembled. Next project will be getting something on the walls. Isn’t this all so fascinating?

It was very nice to see my MIL. She really is the best MIL in the world. I’m sorry for every other wife who can’t have her. She endured me taking her on hikes that included thick clouds of blood-thirsty mosquitoes, thorns, paths no wider than us, and several other things I’m sure you’re not supposed to subject your mother-in-law to. And, she liked it; how cool is she? And we always have really great conversations.

We went to the farm market in Petoskey one morning and bought everything we needed for a very tasty dinner. I really could get used to walking to the market for my days worth of food. I wish it were more practical.

We also went for a walk along the shore of Lake Michigan at Wilderness State Park. We were looking for as many different colored rocks as we could find. Never really found a blue one, but it was nice just to be outside. I really am feeling pressure as the summer gets later to be outside as much as possible.

So I guess her vacation became a mini, local vacation for me. That was nice.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Around 3ish Tex finally couldn’t keep his eyes open. On my days off he usually follows me everywhere. To the extent that if I decide to get up from the desk and refill my coffee cup, he’s going to go the 10ft there and back with me. It’s really kind of endearing until after several hours and you realize that he can block most walkways just by standing there, and that his nose is how he views the world. The nose that is perpetually wet and can reach almost to my shoulders.

So, I think I can relate (only as much as a childless woman can) to mothers who sometimes consider their children’s naps as the highlight of their day.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I finally have a home

We moved last weekend. And my entire family (18 including Martin and me) also came up for vacation. It ended up being really great because they all helped carry things from our "temporary condo" to this place. And my ma and sisters helped me get the house looking decent by the time they left. And them being here gave us several breaks in between heavy lifting/"Where do you want this to go?" Oy, that'll wear you out fast.

I've been spending every spare minute I have putting the place in order. But it's just really nice to finally have somewhere to feel at home. I didn't realize how big of a deal this was until I was without a place for a month. It wasn't horrible by any means, but it's just really cozy to have a place.

Don't get any grand illusions of us living it up here yet though. We are still using our black folding chairs for living room furniture. The progress however, is that the furniture is actually ordered (as of yesterday) now. Sheesh. I'm terrible with making decisions.

This weekend is Bliss Fest. A local music festival that is "for hippies and druggies". It's a big thing up here that goes down right on the shores of Lake Michigan. I'm trying to talk Martin into going all day Saturday. I'll update if I was successful or not.

Picture is my sister Athena and nephew Xavier's crocs.

Monday, June 30, 2008


No. We are not in our place yet. I've gotten to the point where I'm not going to talk about it. There's always something that has to be done and just when I say "all we're waiting on is...", something else has to be done. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our dear sweet land-lords over in the ground beef carpet house for allowing us this opportunity to live like squatters in a very nice condo.

A lot has happened. And at the same time not much has happened. Martin has been working like crazy. Putting in all kinds of ungodly hours during the week so he won't have to sacrifice so much coveted time on the weekend. I don't blame him though, I would do the same.

I'm loving summer. Summers up here honestly just last forever. The sun is only down for a few hours, and then the next day starts. Beautiful. We definitely pay for it with the winters. Right now, it's 9:53pm and I can still see bright orange in the sky from tonight's sunset.

Friends are still over right now and I am "tethering" my blackberry to my computer to get Internet. 10 bucks a month for not-too-slow service. About like DSL. And so, hopefully I'm back in the modern world. I even ordered my living room furniture today. I really do need to take a picture of us here sitting in black folding chairs. It's pretty funny; definitely completes the squatter look.

I'm trying to read as much as possible. When the sky isn't dark until 11pm, and you don't have a single curtain or blind on your windows (and there are a lot of windows in these condos), you have to do something. And I say, why not read? I've been working on a book Martin's mom gave us titled "What God wishes Christians knew about Christianity". Very interesting. There's ideas I've never really thought of before which for me is very refreshing because I sometimes feel like I've heard it all with Christianity. I also just picked up a book this weekend and I'm almost done with it. I'll wait until I'm done to discuss. Or likely, I'll just forget and never get to talk about it. But hopefully that won't happen.

So, Yeah. I think I'm back. Nice to be.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Packing. Again

Right now I'm currently living without couches. This is the first time "our" house has looked not claustrophobic. Maybe that's been the key all along--no furniture. I actually think I could do that.

We got rid of our couches this past Monday and I'm going to buy new furniture for our new condo that we're supposed to be moving into four days from now. The minor set back to this plan is that we don't yet have carpet, running water, or a final signed contract for the condo. I know I'm supposed to be like whatever, it'll all work out. But more and more I find myself wondering: Is alright to start freaking out now?

Adding to my concern is the knowledge that our landlord is being completely inflexible with us staying longer if we need it. We've been upfront and honest about everything telling them we're happy to pay for the extra time we need, also that we'll show this house to anyone that's interested in it during that time. That we'll help them advertise. Nope. They still are telling us that we have to be out on the last day of the month. Thanks for that added stress.

Seriously, I might just be homeless in four days. It wouldn't be the first time.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Back From Chicago

My best friend graduated from MBI (Moody Bible Institute) this past Saturday. Martin and I went with my parents to celebrate her. It was a great trip. The weather was perfect. 70's and sunny for the most part. We did get rained on once but we were having so much fun on Michigan Avenue that I don't think any of us cared.

It's so exciting to watch a friend exit one phase of life and move on to another. Jessica has been so dear to me since about 9th grade. I think that makes her my oldest friend that I keep in touch with. I don't have grade school friends that I still know today so, my relationship with her is especially meaningful.

I really am SO proud of her! What a great accomplishment. She graduated with a degree in international studies. She'll be moving back to Michigan for the summer/fall and plans to return back to South Africa (I told you you would go back there if you went once!) in Jan. for at least a year. I'm expecting much longer though. I think Africa took a part of her heart just like it did mine a few years ago. Hopefully, I'll get to spend a few weekends with her before she leaves me again. I sense this will be the nature of our relationship for the rest of our lives. I would have it no other way, she has the biggest heart of anyone I know and for her not to share it with those in need would be wrong.

Here's to many many more wonderful years together Jessica! More pictures from Chicago are on my Flickr page

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

7 Random Things

My sister-in-law Melanie tagged me to post 7 random things about myself. Here we go:

1. I really love to read

2. I've never owned a house although Martin and I are in the process right now of maybe becoming house owners and it's freaking me out. I keep telling myself "it's not that big of a deal, Nikki. People do this everyday...." I'm still freaking out.

3. I've ridden an ostrich before

4. I have 10 nieces and nephews. Any of them are welcome to come live with me whenever they (or their parents who need serenity) want. For as long as they want.

5. My bed is being propped up on one side by a former cat toy. This old rental house slants so much that Martin was literally steam rolling me (unintentionally) at night while sleeping, before we installed said cat toy. Thank you Chloe and Zoe for your sacrifice. It's greatly appreciated.

6. I enjoy cleaning. I could spend ridiculous amounts of time in the cleaning isle, and insist on trying every new cleaning gimmick that is invented. (this enjoyment excludes washing dishes)

7. I'm in love with a dead painter: Van Gogh.

Now, I'm supposed to tag 7 other people.
Kelli are all hereby tagged. Here are the rules if you want to play:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share seven facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Show People Christ (and maybe keep your mouth shut while you do it)

You show me your redeemed life and I might be inclined to believe in your redeemer.

I love this quote. I think it's so true. How can we expect logic and reason to persuade others to believe in Christ when we aren't showing any of His characteristics?

How can we expect to convince others of Christ's love when we don't love them ourselves? If we claim that Jesus changes us for the better, we had better be able to show evidence of that. It's a joke if we're walking around complaining, having no patience with others, having no compassion for others problems. And it seems to me, that a lot of us don't even care enough about others to talk to them. And this might be radical but what if we have a conversation with someone that isn't about Jesus? What if we let people talk to us so that we can get to know them. So we can learn how to love them.

I'm afraid we're losing opportunities to show Christ's love because we feel the need to give the Romans Road every time we talk to someone. How much would Christ's love show if we allowed ourselves to give of ourselves completely to connect with those who need love?

I'm just beginning to learn this. And it's taking a lot of effort from me to think about others, all of the time. I am realizing how selfish I am. I have a friend who is really hurting. Like, really hurting. Her life is just a mess in about every way it could be. And I couldn't shake the thought that I really needed to do something to show her that I loved her (really, to show her what the love of Christ is like; because I don't have this kind of love in me naturally). I dropped by her house with a large bouquet of flowers and a card. She started crying. I was so caught off guard. And it was a humble, desperate cry. I didn't know what to do, so I hugged her. I told her that I really appreciate our friendship. She really didn't say much and she had to get going to an appointment she had. So, that was it. But I really was glad I did it.

My friend knows about my faith. We've had several conversations where I've been able to tell her what I believe. She's never really had much to say about it. And I honestly think it didn't matter much to her.

But me showing up with flowers and a card just to tell her I love her really broke her. It went beyond the casual conversation. I think it let her know that I could see her broken life and I wasn't going to tell her what she was doing wrong. That's not my position. I wanted her to know that even when she's a wreck, I was there. She knows I try to live my life with "morals". She also knows that I'm not perfect.

I'm not sure what I'm saying. People who call themselves "Christians" can so easily get a "know it all" attitude. A "listen-to-me-and-do-what-I-say-because-I-know-and-you-don't" attitude. I don't like listening to people like that. It's not at all effective for me. And I can't imagine it would be effective for anything. It makes me wonder why we do what we do. Is it to serve? Or is it to make ourselves feel better than others? Why are we trying to strong-arm and intimidate people in the name of Christ?!

This is all just a part of my growing conflict with American Evangelism.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

What would you mark your grave with?

Kind of a strange topic I guess. But we were taking Tex for a walk with some friends and their dogs in a very large cemetery and as we were going along, we were trying to figure out what kind of markers we like the best.

The cemetery is beautiful. There's a paved walkway all the way through it and there are trees that you know have been there since the beginning of the cemetery; and then there are younger trees. There are fruit trees (that I am going to go back to in about 3-4 weeks to get pictures of when they bloom), and mossy ground. I'm always hesitant to go in a cemetary until I'm there and then I'm reminded how peaceful they are to me. That is, as long as I don't think about a book I read about a year ago titled "grave matters". It is honest detail of how the whole modern graveyard system works and how unpeaceful the process really is. But once it's done there's not much you can do about it and that's what I was telling myself so I could just concentrate on the nice walk.

We saw some marble spires that were about 15ft high. We saw statues of the dead in very majestic poses. There were white wooden crosses that the local native Americans place to mark their graves. Simple plaques, benches, elaborate metal figures of crosses with engravings on them. So many different ideas of how people want to be remembered and how people want to remember their loved ones.

I think it's a good idea. I understand that people like to reflect about ones they've lost. Especially as I age I see the significance of it. When you have people really involved in your life, there are moments when you want to go somewhere and be reminded of that and only that. Not that it has to be in a cemetery; but it's not a terrible place either. Makes you have a sense that we are all equal in death; it will happen to all of us.

So. I don't really know what I would want to mark my grave. So far, I think I would want something very natural and simple. My name. Dates of life. And maybe a symbol of something that means a lot to me (I'll definitely have to think of what that could be now). All of this would be on something very modest. Maybe just a really pretty stone that is carved.

No great conclusions for this post just something I was thinking about today.

In other {D} news: I'm reading a new novel titled "Like Water for Chocolate". I'll keep from describing until I'm done with it. We are looking for a house to buy, at the same time we're trying to decide if we are staying in P-Town for awhile. Did you expect anything less bizarre from us? And we are looking forward to going to Jessica's graduation in Chi-town in May. It's definitely time for me to go back to Chicago. The picture is an old barn that we explored a few weeks ago. It's not in the cemetery.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sufjan Stevens is from Petoskey

I kind of knew this but never really thought about it. I just generally thought "it's cool that he's from Michigan and made an album about it". But when we were on a hike with some friends we've met up here (The Dawleys), we were listening to Sufjan and Sarah says "you know I went to school with him, right?" And I turned around and looked at her. She said "yeah, he graduated with my brother" and then she says "his dad works at wal-mart" and proceeds to describe what guy from wal-mart sufjan stevens' dad is. She's going to show me his high school yearbook pictures. --Sufjan. Not his dad.

There's just something about high school yearbook pictures of anyone that are interesting.

Crazy. My next task on my day off is to go into walmart and look for Sufjan Steven's dad. Isn't it funny that he still works at Wal-Mart?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I'm always amazed at how well I sleep when Martin isn't in bed next to me. I always think when he's gone away that I'll probably have a difficult time getting to sleep. Nope.

Last night I had some of the best sleep I've had in months. Martin is an extremely active sleeper. He talks, moves, gestures, tosses,(and yes snores on occasion even though he'll tell you he doesn't) all night.

I used to sleep through anything and then after I got married thought that my sleeping patters have just changed with age. I honestly thinks it's testimony to the fact that martin might just be the most active sleeper on the planet. I closed my eyes last night and didn't open them until 8:30 this morning; really, it was like 8.5 hours happened in a blink. Pure heaven.

Here's a cool sleep fact: whales and dolphins can literally fall half asleep. Their brain hemispheres alternate sleeping, so the animals can continue to surface and breathe. I think when martin is sleeping next to me, half of my brain hemisphere is awake at all times.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Day

This is not going to be about leap day. Because I really have nothing to say about leap day other than the fact that it's really weird that some people born on leap day only get birthdays once every four years. A very big Happy Birthday to all of you and I'm sorry you get gypped.

Martin has pretty much decided to not go forward with the FBI. Everyone has strong opinions about this. And when people ask me what I think I honestly just don't have strong opinions about it. I think if he wanted to do it, he could. But I also think it's fine if he doesn't want to go through with it anymore. Mostly, I want Martin to find what it is he wants to do; and not even for the rest of his life. Just for right now. But he's having a lot of confusion with that. And it's understandable. It's hard to know what you should be doing with your life. I think most people never even get the opportunity to decide that so, in a way, we are very blessed.

I've worked 36 hours in four days this week. For being used to about 25 in 3 days, this has exhausted me. "We" are in the process of finding a new employee at work. Which has me doing the job of two people. For the first time since we've been up here, I'm getting home later than Martin. And dishes and clothes all over the house are screaming in protest.

I'm reading a book by Rob Bell titled "Sex God". I'm very much enjoying it. Apparently, Rob Bell is the pastor of a very large church in Grand Rapids. Anyway, the book deals with sexuality and how it is such an important part of our spiritual life. We should not ignore our sexuality. God made us sexual, and so many of his references to His relationship with us are compared to the intimacy of a man and woman. Really interesting thoughts that I've never even entertained before. And what really shocks me is all the scripture that he uses. Just an interesting person who I can tell loves poetry, even though he never comes out and talks of his love for poetry. Anyway, I've not yet finished reading it and will wait for an overall opinion of it until I do.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Today the sun is shining

I don't think I've seen sunlight in over a week. Like, not one ray. Today there's lots of sun and I'm like a cat trying to sit anywhere it lands coming through our windows. Clear skies make it even colder here, but you take what you can get up here in frozen land.

The picture is of a trip this summer to Chi-town visiting Jess. I love how people gather around the bean to get pictures. It's such a cool part of downtown. I think it was around 94 degrees that day; hard to imagine right now.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Thanks from our Heart

A big thanks to everyone who has been praying for Martin's father. And for all the concern for him and the family. We are happy to report that it looks right now that he is turning a corner and he continues to get stronger every day.

For those who might not have heard here's a short update. Tuesday night, we received a phone call from Martin's mom that his father had been taken to the emergency room due to severe internal bleeding. This came as a total shock to us as Martin had just listened to a voicemail message from him about 15 minutes before the incident happened. Martin's father was driving home from work when he became very dizzy and nearly passed out, causing a wreck. He was bleeding very severly internally due to blood vessels that had burst. It was a long fight for the doctors to get the bleeding to stop. From the last report, he is on his 15th unit of blood (that is a LOT) and is still very anemic and will have a long slow recovery.

Martin, obviously was very shaken by all of this. It has been very hard for him to be away from his family during the whole situation. It is such a scary position to have your family call to tell you to gather together for the worst. We are so thankful for Martin's dad in our life and can't imagine losing him.

Again, we're so blessed to have numerous people call and tell us that they are thinking for us and praying for Martin's dad. And how many people have offered help in any way we need them. We love you all! What a great testimony of Christ's love you have all been.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A whole mess of cold

We are having a terrible snow storm and now I am wondering (again) why we are here. It's very difficult to be content here sometimes. But Martin and I are working on not just splitting when it's no longer fun. (with location and many other things).

I'm watching the grammy's tonight. I love watching the Grammy's. Pure musical entertainment. Nothing wrong with that during a snow storm. Tina and Beynoce doing Proud Mary was just perfect.

Oh yeah, and I've been thinking about kids lately. Like, kids for me. This is a huge thought that most of the time scares me into not thinking about it anymore. So, yeah. We'll see. This video is so you will feel bad for me: (It's my back yard for crying out loud)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

FBI and Jazz

I need to update.

Martin, as many know, went to Detroit to take the FBI PFT test. So far, every interview/test they've had him do has been pretty strait forward and not that difficult. This was the first real test for him. The physical requirements for someone to be in the FBI are very impressive. Not only do you have to be fit, you have to be incredibly fit.
For whatever reason, many of our friends up here are physical therapists and/or physical trainers. So, when they heard about Martin needing to take this test most of them wanted to see if they could do it. I think most of them thought it would be no problem. So, they all went up to the gym one night to try and take it. Martin beat all of them. But he didn't pass the PFT last Friday. It's a crazy demanding requirement. He did great on the first couple events but then was exhausted and didn't have the energy to pass the other two. From what we know, he'll be given another chance in 60 days to take it again. Just like so many other times with this process, we're just waiting for a call to hear for sure.

I know Martin is discouraged. But I'm trying to tell him that he had a long way to come from where he started. He's already lost over 20 pounds and looks so much more fit. He just needs to keep working at it. Thank you everyone for your questions and concern about this. We have been so impressed with your interest. We'll keep you updated.

On another topic. I've finished a book titled Blue Like Jazz --non religious thoughts on christian spirituality. I can't say that I loved it. I certainly didn't agree with everything in it. But I agree with a lot of it, and I'm glad I read it. It's definitely causing me to think about my faith to make sure that I'm genuine and not just trying to look spiritual. Again, God seems to keep telling me that my job is to love. He'll do the judging and saving.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


There are some things that I absolutely love about cold weather: how quiet the snow makes everything, almost forcing you to think. How trees look with snow covering them, which I think is even prettier than trees with fall colors if that's possible.

But there are definitely things I don't love about it: Bundling up every time you leave your house. Clearing your car off to drive a quarter mile down the road to the store. Never seeing the sun (I hate never seeing the sun)

The perfect solution would be to do winter for about a month. Like real, serious, snow-everywhere-winter. And then the rest of the year is summer and fall. If I'm totally honest, I think I'm a flip-flop, tank-top, sunshine and long evenings that never end kind of person. It fits my personality more.

I'm reading a couple of books right now that I'm eager to talk about but am going to wait until I'm finished. I would not be surprised if this ends up being mostly a book review blog.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Yet Another Blog Begining

So, to my surprise, my sister and her family began a blog. Well, I'm going to start this one to try to keep communication between family. Who knows, maybe my other family members will join us.

Update on Dominique and Martin: We are currently still living in Petoskey, MI. With the very real possibility that we'll move this summer. I can't believe that we'll make it through a brutal winter and then move when it gets beautiful. But those things are seldom in my control.

So of course the sensible thing to do right now is to look for a house to buy. And that's what we're doing. It's got the possibility of being a great fix 'n flip. And if we can't flip it, I don't think we'd be too disappointed in having a vacation home here. Plus, there's still the small chance we won't be moving and we'll have a great location here in P-town.

We've joined a small group at church where we are meeting some great couples our age. Funny enough, none of them have children yet so, we don't feel so weird around them. That has been a lot of fun. And we never get the questions from them that we get from those with families already growing. It's nice to have a group of Christians who are in the same place as us.